BRAINU CO.,LTD. |CEO : SeungkyunHong
Business registration number : 881-86-01038
Headquarter address
3F, 7, Yatap-ro 105beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, 13506
Branch address
117-3, Hoeje-ro, Dongdaemun-ro, Seoul, Korea Global Center Room 602 (Seoul BioHub)
Tel: +82-31-707-1788 | Fax: +82-70-7500-5483
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Monitoring the Depth of Anesthesia from Rat EEG using Modified Shannon Entropy Analysis
(33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Boston, Massachusetts USA, August 30 - September3, 2011)